How does a suddenly widowed 35-year old woman, with no job, no credit and no college education, successfully raise her seven children and still manage to retire debt-free at age sixty-two with money in the bank? 

Mom Was Right Larry Mathis

Larry Mathis.

Mom’s story offers hope to everyone – no matter how dire
your personal or financial situation is today.

Larry Mathis


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then let me share my mom with you.

My Story

contact larry to speak for your organization or upcoming event.

Who is Larry Mathis and why did he write this book?

"There is in every woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity."  

      ~ Washington Irving

Mom Was Right Book

Why did I write this book? The life lessons that I learned from my mom have guided me throughout my personal and professional life. During my 25 year career in the financial services industry, I have helped scores of people develop and implement their financial plans. "Mom Was Right" was the best way that I could share my mom's invaluable lessons and also help people identify and understand the importance of their own values and priorities. In this way I hope to motivate people to establish meaningful financial goals, while underscoring the value of advice I received from my own mom.

Reach larry

If you would like to get a taste of what "Mom Was Right" is all about, you can read chapter one here.

read chapter one

Mom Was right

To reach Larry to discuss his book or if you would like him to speak for your event or organization, contact him here.